Ep 25 / Dr. Heïdi Sevestre, Glaciologist
The star of National Geographic's 'Arctic Ascent' show with Alex Honnold on Disney+ joins us to talk about the journey and the importance of science communication.
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Hey folks, we are in your inboxes again with another new episode of the Ecosystem Member podcast.
Our guest for this episode is glaciologist Dr. Heïdi Sevestre.
You might recognize that name if you tuned in to the National Geographic series 'Arctic Ascent' featuring climber Alex Honnold. Heïdi was the scientist on that expedition and worked with the team to conduct 18 difference experiments, many of which were featured in the show.
And that appearance is key part of her approach to science.
In addition to being fellow of The Explorers Club and worked at AMAP, the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, Heidi is a passionate science communicator. In addition to appearing on podcasts like this one, she has featured in documentaries for the BBC, CBC, ITV, France 2 and several other platforms.
In this episode, we talk about what a glaciologist actually does other that expeditions with world-famous climbers, we explore the connection between melting glaciers and ice sheets and climate change and sea level rise, and her Climate Sentinels project, which was an all-female, carbon neutral expedition to Svalbard to conduct crucial research.
2025 is the International Year for Glacier Preservation and I think you'll walk away from this episode with a better understanding of the importance of glaciers and ice in our ecosystems around the globe.
Huge thanks to Heidi for joining us and make sure to follow her latest expeditions and communication efforts on Instagram and YouTube.
Thanks for listening -