Ep 3 / Dr. Easkey Britton, Surfer, Scientist & Writer
The multi-hyphanate water person joins us to talk about her book 'Ebb & Flow' and big wave adventures.
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The latest episode of the podcast is with a guest who inspired the core idea for the podcast.
Dr. Easkey Britton is an Irish scientist, surfer and writer who specializes in blue health and our relationship with water. She is the author of two amazing books - Saltwater in the Blood and Ebb & Flow, the latter of which was my introduction to Easkey and her work, and how I got to meet Easkey earlier this year at an event at the Finisterre - an amazing water-centric brand if you aren't familiar with it - store in London.
In addition to her research on the connection between oceans and human health, Easkey is the co-founder of the Wavemaker Collective, a social impact leadership retreat and has worked on several projects to support women in surfing. And her big wave surfing exploits have been featured in many films including Waveriders.
In the episode we focus on our relationship with water. From how the oceans leave a fingerprint on us to kinesthetic empathy and how we can shift from an egocentric point of view to an ecocentric one. We end with a couple of practices to help you create or deepen your relationship with water.
Many thanks to Easkey for taking time to chat. She's a true hero of mine and if you haven't heard of her work before I am sure you'll leave this episode feeling the same way.
Don’t forget to pick up a copy of Easkey's book ‘Ebb & Flow’.
Thanks for listening -
Mentioned in the Episode